Oct 12, 2011

Handling Tax in Australian GST Invoices

If you an Australian resident and registered for GST, then you can setup your prices one of two ways:

  1. Turn tax off in ProSelect and enter GST inclusive prices for all the items in your price list.
  2. Turn tax on in ProSelect and name it  GST with a rate of 10% and then enter GST exclusive prices in your price list.

With Tax Off

In this case, your ProSelect Order Report with show all prices and the total as GST inclusive (see Tax Invoice Requirements below)

With Tax On

In this case, the line items and subtotal in your ProSelect Order Report will show prices without GST. The calculated GST will be shown in the Tax row and the Total row will show the total amount including GST.

Tax Invoice Requirements

Regardless of which method you use then,  according to the Australian Tax Office, to be a valid tax invoice you need to include the following on your Order Report:

  • Your business name (ProSelect normally provides this)
  • Your ABN number*
  • The words "TAX INVOICE" *
  • Date (ProSelect provides this if you have this turned on in Preferences --> Prices & Ordering --> Order report --> Include Date)
  • Description of the goods (ProSelect provides this)
  • Total price (ProSelect provides this if you select Print Total Prices in the Order Report Setup window)
  • The words "Total price includes GST" *

* You can add these to the bottom of your Order Report by adding an Order Report Note in Preferences --> Prices & Ordering --> Order report such as



ShootWell Photography Pty Ltd   ABN 1234567789

The Total Price (shown above) includes GST


Note 1: There is no requirement to show the actual GST amount provided all of your items are taxable and it is possible to work out the GST by simply dividing the total amount by 11.  (eg Total of $110/11 = $10 GST).

Note 2: This advice is provided in good faith, however please consult the ATO for your exact situation.

More Information

Further information on "Handling Tax" in ProSelect can be found in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

How to append a message/text to an Invoice can be found in the "Prices & Ordering" page in the ProSelect Reference Manual (Set up in Preferences --> Prices & Ordering --> Order Report Tab --> Order Report Options).


KnowledgeBase Article: Handling Tax in Australian GST Invoices