Aug 5, 2013
Oct 27, 2006

Preventing clients from copying images in a movie

When you export Slideshow movie from ProSelect, all the images are compressed into one file so it's very difficult for people to get them out. This however does not stop them from pausing the slideshow and doing a "Print Screen" to get a hard copy or "Screen Grab" of an image.

The best way to discourage this is to:

  1. Keep the size of the Slideshow small - e.g. less than 800 x 600 pixels
  2. Add a copyright stamp/watermark to the Slideshow.

Both of these are very quick and easy to do in ProSelect.

See the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect) on "Exporting a Slideshow Movie" for more on this. And this article "Preventing slideshow movies being copied".

KnowledgeBase Article: Preventing clients from copying images in a movie