Mar 23, 2023
Oct 27, 2006

Does the Upload Manager alter my original images?

ProSelect allows you to quickly upload one or more sets of images and/or layouts to Animoto to build an Animoto slideshow movie. To use this feature you need to have downloaded and installed ProStudio Software's free Upload Manager software (version 3.1.4 or newer) on your computer and an Animoto subscription (unless you just wish to use their free service).

When you select Animoto --> Upload Images and Layouts (under the File Menu), ProSelect will check to see if the Upload Manager is already running and, if not, it will launch it in the background.  You can upload a maximum of 300 images at a time to Animoto. These can be selected from one or more sets of images and layouts.

The Upload Manager does not alter your original images.

To reduce upload time, ProSelect sizes the image copies to the correct size for producing either a Web Quality Movie or a DVD Quality Movie and sends them to the Upload Manager. Then in the background, the Upload Manager uploads all of the images to Animoto’s temporary image storage location.

For more on how exporting to Animoto works, please see the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

KnowledgeBase Article: Does the Upload Manager alter my original images?