Oct 13, 2013
Sep 19, 2007

Disabling a Custom Action in Production

Normally when you set up your Custom Effects Actions in ProSelect's preferences (Image Effects -> Custom Effects Actions), ProSelect will automatically assign the same action to be used for Hi-Res production. This means that any Custom effect actions that are applied to any ordered images (or book pages sent to Production) will also be used when producing the Hi-Res versions.

If you click the "Hi-Res" tab at the top of the Custom Effects table (in the Preferences), then you will normally see the same action name with a checkbox next to it. If you do NOT want that action to be applied during hi-res production then simply uncheck the checkbox in that tab.

Note: The feature is not available in ProSelect version 3 - see below for an alternative method.

Unexpected actions

If you find that actions are still been run on your Hi-Res images during Production, then please see the article "Unexpected Actions being Run in Production".

If you are using an image effect (B&W, Sepia) and is being carried through to Production, then please see the section "What happens in Production" in the article "B&W and Sepia Image Workflow" on how to check and change this.

Missing actions stop production

The above procedure will ONLY work if any actions that you have applied to your images are still included in ProSelect Preferences. This is because ProSelect stores each applied action set and action name with the image in the Album file. When running Hi-Res Production, it searches the Preference's Custom Effects list for a matching action name and set and, if found, then checks what settings you have selected to happen on the Hi-Res side. (ie run the same action, run a different action or do nothing).

If it can't find the same action name and set then it will report a problem and ask you to setup the Custom Effects list again before running the actions.

To avoid this problem it is recommended that you have the same action set installed in Photoshop on both your Production and Sales machines.

ProSelect version 3.x

On startup of ProSelect V3, if you have any Custom Effects Action names in the Setup Production dialog AND you have some Customs Effects setup in the Preferences (Image Effects Tab), ProSelect will copy the corresponding action names across.

So, to stop a Custom effects action from being run in production, you need to create a "No Action" action in Photoshop (ie an action which does nothing such as "Select None"), and then enter that action name into the same Custom Action position (that you don't want to run) within the Setup Production dialog.

KnowledgeBase Article: Disabling a Custom Action in Production