Feb 21, 2023
Aug 10, 2017

Shared dropbox folder troubleshooting

If you have setup your ProSelect Resources Folder to be shared using a Shared Data Folder (such as Dropbox) and it doesn't appear to be working correctly then try these suggestions/checks...


There are two parts used for sharing: 

  1. The ProSelect_Data.xml file which has all the "specification data" for templates, prices, frames, rooms, styles, book designs etc. 

  2. ProSelect Resources Folder contains all the actually images the "specification data" uses. eg Overlay Images on templates, frame segment images, background images in styles etc.

When using a Shared Data folder, ProSelect must be setup on both computers to point to the same shared location for the ProSelect Resources Folder and, in this case, the ProSelect_Data.xml is copied to and from this folder.

Things to check:

1. Check that ProSelect is pointing to the same shared folder location on all machines by opening that location in Finder (on Mac OSX) or Windows Explorer (on Windows). The easiest way to do this is by choosing "ProSelect Resources Folder -> Show in Finder" (on Mac) or "ProSelect Resources Folder ->Show in Windows Explorer" (on Windows) from the Resouces Menu in ProSelect.

If you look inside this folder, you should all the subfolders for each image resource area and the ProSelect_Data.xml file.

The last modified date and the size of the ProSelect_Data.xml should be the same on all computers that are using this shared folder. If this is not the case, check that

(a) You have all copies pointed to the correct shared folder location.

(b) You have "Save on this computer and update the shared file" selected in your sharing setup in Preferences -> General Settings -> Sharing -> Shared Data Folder: Setup. This should be selected on the "master computer" that you always want to be allowed to make changes to your setup data. It can optionally be selected on other computers provided you understand the implications of having it enabled on more that one machine - see the section "Backup & Sharing - Using a Shared Folder" in the ProSelect Reference Manual for more about this.


2. Leaving the above Finder or Windows Explorer window open, on your "master computer", open the Price List Setup window (under Orders menu in ProSelect) and change the price of one of the items in your price list then close the Price List Setup window. You should the last modified date of the ProSelect_Data.xml file in the shared folder change to the current date/time on all computers.

Note: If you are using a shared Dropbox folder, it may take some time for the change to happen on your other computers if your internet speed is not very fast.

3. Close and Re-start ProSelect on your other computers. If you have "Always Update the Data on this computer without asking" turned in Preferences -> General Settings -> Sharing -> Shared Data Folder: Setup then, when you open the Price List Setup window, you should see the new price list price. If you don't have the above Preference Setting selected, on Startup, ProSelect will let you know that the setup data has been updated and ask if you wish to update it - choose Yes.

The Data is changing but some images are missing

If the above is all working but some of the resource images are missing in ProSelect (eg overlay images on templates or frames), check that the actual files required are present in the subfolders on each machine. The only time that they may be missing is after you have initially setup or made a large change on one computer to a shared Dropbox location and you haven't allowed enough time for Dropbox to copy the shared data to all of your computers.

Other Help Available

The Backup & Sharing section of the ProSelect Reference Manual includes detailed instructions for how sharing works and how to set it up.

The Training Area on the ProStudio Software website includes a number of movies on this topic. Search for "Sharing" on the search movies page.


KnowledgeBase Article: Shared dropbox folder troubleshooting