May 9, 2013
Aug 6, 2008

Overlay Image Import Error

When importing an overlay image, you get an error message which says, "An error occured when creating the low res version of the selected image. The storage location could be write protected or your disk may be full."

Where this can occur

There are two ways to get an image into ProSelect's resources folder so that it can be used as an Overlay Image for a template:

  1. Save the image from Photoshop as a .png file and manually copy it into the Template Overlays sub-folder in your ProSelect Resources folder. When this has been done the file will be listed in the Select Resource Image Dialog. (This is the dialog that opens when you click on the select Overlay Image icon - the little gold magnifying glass - for a template in the Template Editor.)

  2. Use the Import Using Photoshop button in the Select Resource Image Dialog.  In this case, you will be asked to select an image file which is normally a .psd file (but can be a .png file) and ProSelect will tell Photoshop to open the file and save it as a .png into the Template Overlays sub-folder in your ProSelect Resources folder.  This is really the same process as 1 above but done automatically.

This hi-res .png file is used to build the final image when you run Production on any template which uses that image.

In both the above cases, ProSelect needs to create a low-res copy of this image file (and a thumbnail image) which is used when showing the template in ProSelect. These low res images are stored in another Template Overlays subfolder but this one is in the ProSelect Low Res Resources folder which is also in your ProSelect Resources folder.

The conversion of hi-res Template Overlay images into a low-res images occurs:

  1. If you select the image in the left-hand list of the Select Resource Image Dialog and it does not have a low-res copy already.
  2. If you select the image in the left-hand list of the Select Resource Image Dialog and the low-res copy is older than the original (because you have updated the original).
  3. Immediately after using the Import Using Photoshop button.

If you get an error saying that "An error occurred when creating the lo res version", then possible reasons are:

  1. The .png file that you are trying is import is very large (see "Handling Very Large PNG files" solution below).
  2. The disk where your ProSelect Resources Folder is located is FULL.
  3. You are not permitted to write to the ProSelect Resources Folder. This should only occur if you have setup this folder to be in an odd place on your computer or perhaps on a network drive. Try changing the location of the resources folder.
  4. There is already a low-res file present for that image but for some reason it cannot be deleted. Try restarting ProSelect and/or manually removing the file from the ProSelect Low Res Resources -> Template Overlays folder.
  5. There was an error converting the hi-res file in Photoshop. Try manually converting it and moving it to the Template Overlays folder - use the manual method mentioned at the very top.


Handling Very Large PNG files

If you are trying to import very large .png files then you may not have sufficient free memory in your computer to allow ProSelect to load and convert them.

To allow the importing of very large .png files, we improved how ProSelect loads and converts them in ProSelect 2012r2.3 and newer so that it is no longer dependent on the amount of free memory in your computer.

If your licence is for 2012r2 or newer, the best solution is to download and install this version (or a newer one according to your license). Otherwise, try making your .png files smaller - depending on you computer setup, less than 20"x20" at 300dpi should work in most cases.


Where is my ProSelect Resources Folder?

Please see this article "Finding the ProSelect Resources Folder" for information about this.

KnowledgeBase Article: Overlay Image Import Error