Apr 1, 2019
Sep 24, 2008

ProSelect asking for Registration Key again

If ProSelect displays the registration window on start up then it means that there is a problem with accessing your registration key details, or you may have changed your  TimeExposure account log-in details (this will be connected to the software activation).  In this case, ProSelect will revert to running in 30 day trial mode

ProSelect stores your registration information (business name and registration key) in its Preferences file. A registration key problem can occur if:

  1. The Preferences file is cleared/deleted or corrupted.

  2. ProSelect can read the registration key saved in the Preferences, but that key does not match with the version of ProSelect that you are using. This could happen if you downloaded a newer version of ProSelect than your license enables.

  3. You have logged in under another user on that computer (this will effect both your Preferences and Prices & Templates Data access etc.).

  4. You have changed your TimeExposure account log in details (e.g. email and/or password) and you are using old or erroneous details to register and activate the software.


A)  Re-Register the software

The first thing to do is to simply try re-registering the software with your latest registration key. 

On-line registration

If your computer is connected to the Internet, then you can have the ProSelect software do the activation for you (and avoid errors).

You can register and activate the ProSelect software instantly in ProSelect's registration window by:

    1. Choosing "Register On-line" option
    2. Entering your Login Email ( and Password
    3. Clicking the Register button

If the ProSelect Registration window doesn't automatically appear when you start ProSelect, you will find it under the Help menu.

Manual Registration

If ProSelect is not accepting your registration key, then you should check which version of ProSelect you are permitted to use under your license. To do this,

  1. Log into web site.
  2. Go to your My Account (top right).
  3. Choose My Products tab, and under the Registered Products section you will find the information about the version of ProSelect software that you can use for your license.

Trying to register the wrong version for your licence

If you have accidentally downloaded a newer version of ProSelect, then please see the article  Accidental Download of Newer Version for what to do.

What does my Registration Key look like?

For ProSelect version 4: PSV4-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

For ProSelect 2010-2018: PSV5-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX


Very old versions of ProSelect

If your software is not obsolete, then see the article Lost Registration Key for how to get your registration key details from your account).

If you are using an obsolete version, then you will need to use the find your registration key and re-enter that using the instructions in this KnowledgeBase Article: Reinstalling Obsolete Versions of ProSelect.

B) Change your computer's log in account

If you logged in under another user on that computer, then simply log in under the "User" details as you did previously. If this is a permanent change of log in, then you need to copy the data files to the new user location (see the article Finding ProSelect Data & Preferences files for assistance with this).

C) Fixing a corrupted Preferences File

If the file is corrupt, then you can try clearing your Preference file and ProSelect will reset it.  The article Clearing ProSelect's Preferences, Templates & Prices shows you how to do this. Note: You will need to re-enter your registration details and preference settings. And make sure you only select to clear the Preference file!

Reasons why ProSelect can not find my registration information

Running an out of date copy of ProSelect.

If you are running an old copy of ProSelect, then there may be conflict with some of the newer software that checks and index files (such as Spotlight on the Mac) in the background. This issues have been addressed in the newer versions of ProSelect, so it pays to make sure that you keep updated with the latest version. The Messaging system in ProSelect lets you know when new ProSelect software is available (if using an older version, then use the "Check for Updates Now' function under the Help menu in ProSelect). Your computer needs to be connected and access the internet for this to work.

Running some 'Clean Up' utilities
There are programs that that claim to remove files no longer needed on your computer - some remove the wrong files!

Anti-virus/Security software
Some Anti-virus/Security software make mistakenly think that ProSelect or its files contain a virus and delete or quarantine the information.

A computer crash while running ProSelect
The Preferences file is usually updated when you close ProSelect (and while open in newer versions). If a crash occurs while this is happening, then the file may not get saved properly.

Logging in under a different User details on that computer
This will effect both your Preferences and Prices & Templates Data access or location details depending on the version of ProSelect you are using.

KnowledgeBase Article: ProSelect asking for Registration Key again