Feb 21, 2023
Oct 24, 2006

ProSelect is being used ... - Message On Startup

The message below means that you may be trying to run more copies of ProSelect at the same time than your license permits.

ProSelect is being used...

This program is currently registered for running up to X computers at any one time and currently there are X copies of the program already running. 

If you wish to run more than X copies at the same time, another registration key containing additional licenses may be purchased. You can do this on-line through the web site:

Other IPs: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd   aaa.bbb.ccc.eee

(For earlier versions of ProSelect the message may be different - see below)

What to check

    1. The X in the above message should match the number of users that your current ProSelect license is for. For example, if you have a 2 user license it will show as "2". If it does not, then you need to do an Update Registration (under the Help menu) to get your current registration key correctly installed in each copy of the software with the incorrect number.

    2. If the X number is correct you can use the Other IPs section to find which computers on your network are running ProSelect and turn off the software on one of thos machines.

If you are not sure what your current registration key is or how many users are included on your license, then please see this article "Checking & changing license details in ProSelect"

Finding which computer is using a particular IP address

On Macs:

  1. Open the System Preferences (under the Apple Menu)
  2. Clicking the Network Icon.
  3. The IP address is shown in the right-hand panel.

On Windows:

  1. Open the "Network and Sharing Center" by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Network and Internet, and then clicking Network and Sharing Center.
  2. In the section "View your active Networks", click the link next to Connections: to View the status  (eg "Local Area Conection").
  3. Click Details
  4. Your computer's IP address appears in the Value column, next to "IPV4 IP Address".


Computers with multiple network connections

Mac OSX (and possibly Windows) allows you to have multiple network connections with different IP address operating at once, and this can confuse ProSelect into thinking that there is more than one computer running ProSelect at that time (or more than the number of users you have for your license). Typically this might occur if you have both an ethernet connection and a wireless connection (called Airport on Mac) both active at the same time on the computer.

In this case, the solution is to disable all network connections except the one you need for the network connection that you are using for that computer.

On the Mac 10.4.x (Tiger), to do this:

  1. Close ProSelect
  2. Open System Preferences
  3. Click on the Network Icon
  4. Select Network Port Configurations from the Show pop-up menu
  5. In the Port Configurations list, make sure that any networks that you are not using are NOT checked
  6. Click the Apply Now button
  7. Start ProSelect again

On the Mac 10.5.x (Leopard), to do this:

  1. Close ProSelect
  2. Open System Preferences
  3. Click on the Network Icon
  4. In the box on the left hand side make sure that you only have one network connected (ie only one should have a green dot)
  5. If you have more than one, then either disable it (eg turn off your Airport connection or unplug your ethernet cable) or delete it from the list. (Note: You may wish to duplicate the current location settings before you delete any networks.)
  6. Click the Apply button
  7. Close the Window
  8. Start ProSelect again


If you have purchased a ProSelect license for 2 or more Users

  • First make sure that you do not have more copies of ProSelect running than you have licenses.
  • ProSelect's registration key contains the total number of  "Users" included in your license who can run ProSelect at the same time. You must have this same registration key details entered into ALL installed copies of ProSelect.  

You can check this by opening the About ProSelect dialog ( Mac: under the ProSelect menu, Windows: under the Help menu) on each machine to see the registration key that has been entered.

  • If you have purchased additional licenses, you would have been emailed a new registration key. So that all copies of ProSelect know about the change, you need to clear your old registration key and enter your new key details into ALL installed copies of ProSelect that you have.


Other Network Devices Responding like ProSelect

If the reported IP address that ProSelect is supposed to be running turns out not to be another computer (or you have to disconnect all other computers from the network), then try disconnecting other devices such as routers on the network. We have had reports that some (usually older) routers incorrectly respond to ProSelect's "Are you there?" broadcast. In this case, try replacing the router with a different one.


Versions prior to ProSelect v2010r1

On earlier versions of ProSelect you will see this message:

ProSelect is being used...
Another copy of this program with the same registration key is already being used. If you wish to run more than one copy at the same time, you need to purchase a new registration key for each copy.

You can do this on-line through the web site:
Would you like to enter a new registration key now?"

First make sure that there are no other copies of ProSelect running. If not, then try the following:

  • Make sure that the computer you are using has only one active network connection running. For example, if your computer is connected with an ethernet cable then make sure any wireless connections are turned off. (See the section below for more details). 
  • Disconnect your computer from the network, start ProSelect and see if the message is still there.
  • If the message no longer appears then it means that another computer or device on your network was sending back a message saying that it was running ProSelect.
  • If the message is still there, then re-start your computer and try again.
  • Re-connect your computer to the network and try disconnecting other computers on the network to work out which one is sending the message. If you find the message stops when you disconnect a particular computer then check that ProSelect is NOT running on that machine. You can re-start the computer just to make sure.

KnowledgeBase Article: ProSelect is being used ... - Message On Startup