Apr 16, 2010
Apr 16, 2010

Custom Frames not displaying

If you have added your own Custom Frames or a suppliers in ProSelect and they are not displaying (in part or whole), then the following will assist in resolving this.

It's important that in your Preference settings, you have ProSelect pointing to your "ProSelect Resources" folder correctly and have "Images from Frame Resources" selected also. And the frame images (only) are in the "Frames" folder under the ProSelect Resources folder.

If No Custom Frames are Displaying

Apart from the built-in generic frames that come with ProSelect, if you have added Custom Frames and these are not displaying in your Frame list in ProSelect, then:

If using ProSelect 2012r1 and newer,

  1. Check that the main ProSelect Resource Folder is being correctly selected in ProSelect  (under Preferences --> General Settings --> Sharing (tab) --> Resource Folder Location) . This should be where your Frames where added using the "Setup Frames.." (under Resources menu).
  2. Make your selected frames "Available" in the Setup Frames window.

More on this can be found in the ProSelect Reference Manual on the "Managing Frames" page (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

If using ProSelect 2011r1 and 2011r2,

  1. Check that the main ProSelect Resource Folder is being correctly selected in ProSelect  (under Preferences --> Default folder --> Resource Folder Location) . This should be where your Frames where added using the "Setup Frames.." (under Resources menu) , or manually such as when using an older ProSelect version.
  2. Make your selected frames "Available" in the setup Frames window.

More on this can be found in the ProSelect Reference Manual on the "Managing Frames" page (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

If using ProSelect v4 or v2010r1,

First check that you have selected Images from Frame Resources in your Preference settings (Edit --> Preferences --> General Settings --> Frames, Templates, Layouts & Books tab).

If this box is selected already, then try the following:

  1. If you added the files to your ProSelect Resource folder area while ProSelect was open, then restart ProSelect
  2. Check that the main Resource Folder is being correctly selected in ProSelect  (under Preferences --> Default folder --> Resource Folder Location), or
  3. Alternatively check that your frames and other resource files are in the "Resource Folder" location as selected in ProSelect
  4. Checking that you placed the frame image files directly into the "Frames"subfolder (in the Resource Folder)

 (This article on "Finding the ProSelect Resources Folder" has further information on locating this folder.)

If Only Some Custom Frames Are Displaying

This can be due to the following:

  1. The basic version allows you to add up to 12 custom frames, whereas with a ProSelect Pro license, you can add up to 300 custom frames*.
  2. You may have two ProSelect Resource folders and the one that ProSelect is currently set to does not contain all your Custom Frames.
  3. The missing Frame image files are not in the required file and naming format (see the easy read ProSelect Manual section mentioned below).

 *    In ProSelect v2011r1, 2011r2, 2012r1, 2012r2 & v2013r1, the basic version of ProSelect (basic) allows you to add up to 12 custom frames and 150 in ProSelect Pro. In ProSelect v4 and v2010r1, the ProSelect (basic) allows you to add up to 5 custom frames and 50 in ProSelect Pro.

Further Information

You will find information on this feature in:

  • Easy reading ProSelect Manual under the "Frames" section (and "General Settings III" for V4 & 2010r1) (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).
  • The article on Custom Frames in ProSelect 
  • The Webinar recordings under the Frames section of the Webinar Archives area (under the Training menu).


It's important that in your Preferences (under Edit menu) you have ProSelect pointing to your correct "ProSelect Resources" folder, and the required frame image files (only) are in the "Frames" folder DIRECTLY under the ProSelect Resources folder.  Also make sure your selected frames are "Available" in the Setup Frames window (under Resources menu in ProSelect 2011r1 and newer).

Note:  In ProSelect v4.1 and 2010r1, have "Images from Frame Resources" selected (Preferences -->General Settings --> Frames, Templates, Layouts & Book tabs).

KnowledgeBase Article: Custom Frames not displaying