Jun 25, 2010

Style Group Bugs in 2010r1

 We just identified (with this help of one of our users), two serious bugs associated with Style Groups in 2010r1. This has been fixed in 2010r1.5 which you can get from the Downloads page.


Placing XML characters on a Style Group name will corrupt the Prices & Templates Data file and gives an error next time you try to open ProSelect. These characters include &<>?/. 


If you do this accidentally in 2010r1 (before 2010r1.5)   then you can manually fix the problem in the Data file this way:

  1. Close ProSelect
  2. Locate your ProSelect Prices and Templates data file (it is called "ProSelect_Data.xml") using this article
  3. Make a copy of the file as a precaution.
  4. Opening the file  in a text editor and search for the section starting with "<stylegroup". There will be one of these for each Style Group that you have created.
  5. In the name part of this section remove any "bad characters" eg <stylegroup id="13" name="Books & Covers" expanded="false">   (remove the "&" between Books and Covers).
  6. Save the file
  7. Open ProSelect


Deleting a Style within a Style Group can cause ProSelect to lockup when you try to exit the Edit Styles dialog. 


 Upgrade to 2010r1.5 or newer



KnowledgeBase Article: Style Group Bugs in 2010r1