Sep 5, 2011
Jan 5, 2011

Fast way to create one print per page books

With ProSelect 2011r1 and newer you can create square books with one image per page in just a minute or so using the Auto-Populate feature:

  1. Create a square template with one opening in the center in a landscape orientation. eg a 12x12 page size with a 8x10 opening.

  2. Create a square page Book Design to the page size that you want in either a single or double-sided format.

  3. Assign that Book Design to an empty book.

  4. In "Working with Books", select all of the images (from the Image List on the left) that you wish to add to the book and drop them onto the template that you have just made (below the bar). ProSelect will automatically create one page for each image and add it to the book. 

  5. The openings in all the pages will be the same as your template design (eg landscape or portrait orientated). So if you need to change any, simply rotate the pages which have incorrect orientated images in them. This is best done in Thumbnail View. Select each page that needs to be rotated (using CMD-click on Macs or Cntrl-click on Windows) and click the "Rotate Layout Right" button on the tool bar.

  6. Select Send Book to Production --> Selected Book (under the Production menu).


More information on this and other  "Fast Book Building Techniques" can be found in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

KnowledgeBase Article: Fast way to create one print per page books