Jul 21, 2011

Creating a Book Cover of a different size

If your Book cover dimensions are different from the rest of the pages in your book, then these steps show you how to create and produce a cover page.

  1. Create a new Book Design for the size of your book cover in Edit Book Designs (under Templates Menu). You don't specify that the design has any covers since you can use the first one or two pages for the covers.
  2. Then in Working with Books mode and in Thumbnail View, select a different Book Group (see little yellow book icon on the bar example below)
  3. Select your cover's Book Design for this book from the drop down menu on the bar (eg This example design is called "Cover Design")
  4.  Setting the Book Design sample image


  5. Add your template(s) and then image(s) for the cover.
  6. Choose Send Book to Production (under the Production menu) to produce the cover images as usual.


Hint for covers:

If you want to have a fabric cover for example, simply create or use an existing template that has the opening at the full size of the template area on your book cover. Then drop a fabric image (or other) into the cover opening!

KnowledgeBase Article: Creating a Book Cover of a different size