Jul 28, 2011
Sep 28, 2011

Text layer not showing up in Photoshop

If the substituted "text" layer does not show up in Photoshop after using the Production system in ProSelect, then please check the following for this to work:

  1. The .psd file(s) used for the overlay images must to be in the ProSelect Resources folder --> Template Overlays subfolder
  2. The "Use PSD Files for Overlay Images" checkbox must be checked in Preferences --> Hi-Res production --> Output Settings --> Output Files.
  3. The text layer(s) in your original photoshop file must not be within any Layer Groups.
  4. You need to have added the text to be substituted in square brackets in the note for the layout (not the ordered item).

Hint: If you use the "Keep Open in Photoshop" option when producing the file, you can check if the file has all of the layers from the original Photoshop file. If it does not then likely points 1 or 2 above are not correct. If it does then likely points 3 or 4 are not correct.

More information on "Handling Text in Composite Layouts" can be found in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect)


Note: Please see this article "Finding the ProSelect Resources Folder" if you don't know where the ProSelect Reources folder is located.


KnowledgeBase Article: Text layer not showing up in Photoshop