Jul 1, 2012
Jun 11, 2012

Bevels not rendered correctly in Photoshop CS6

Updated 5th July 2012

This issue has been resolved in ProSelect v2012r1.6 which is a free update for those with a ProSelect v2012r1 license.


Original Article

We have confirmed a reported problem when rendering bevels on composite images with Photoshop CS6. While this problem is still being investigated, it appears to be a problem with the bevel colors not being correctly set in Photoshop as specified by ProSelect. 

Since this works correctly in PhotoShop CS2 through CS5, it is likely caused by a change to the latest Photoshop release.

We will be working to see if this problem can be solved and assuming so, the fix will in incorpoated into a ProSelect 2012r1.x update.




KnowledgeBase Article: Bevels not rendered correctly in Photoshop CS6