Apr 25, 2013

Styles missing images in ProSelect and after Production

If you can't see any newly applied style images in ProSelect as well as when you use Hi-Res Production, then please read the following to assist you in resolving this.

This may occur if you are using ProSelect software on a different computer than you initially created your album file (.psa).*

To be used in ProSelect, a style's associated images is loaded from two places in your Application Data Folder.

  1. ProSelect Resources --> Mat Backgrounds folder (which contains Hi-res copies of all the style images used when running Hi-Res Production)
  2. ProSelect --> ProSelect Low Res Resources --> Mat Backgrounds folder (which contains low-res copies of same style images which are used when viewing in ProSelect). These are automatically created by ProSelect from the Hi-Res images when selected or as part of a Imported Collection.

NOTE: By default, your Application Data folder may be hidden from view (see the "Notes" section in the article "Finding ProSelect Data & Preferences files" for how to access this).


To check if the relevant image files are present in BOTH of these folders.

The easiest way to do this is to:

  1. Open the Edit Styles window (under Templates Menu)
  2. Select a problem style and, in the Mat (background) section, check the name of the image file that the style us referring to.
  3. Click the "Magnifying glass" next to this name to open the "Select Image Resource Folder" window which will show all available Hi-Res images in ProSelect Resources --> Mat Backgrounds folder. The used image will be selected if it is present.
  4. If not present, then you should manually copy the missing image into this folder and reselect it.

Alternatively, if the styles were part of a Collection, then to restore all styles you can:

  1. Delete all Hi-Res images through this window or directly from the folder itself using the Finder (on Mac) or Explorer (on Windows).
  2. Delete All the Collection's styles from the Edit Styles list.
  3. Re-Import the Collection.


IMPORTANT:  The above process may change the names of the images and previously created albums may not be able to be produced because the Hi-Res files originally referred to may no longer be present. In this case, you would need to re-apply the style to the template so it correctly points to the new file name.

*Note:  Your styles already used in albums created on another computer (or prior to the image files going missing on the same computer) will display in ProSelect, because ProSelect keeps a low res copy of all used resource images in the album file. However if the image files are missing as discussed above, then they will not show for newly applied styles in the album file or after using Hi-Res Production.

KnowledgeBase Article: Styles missing images in ProSelect and after Production