Apr 1, 2013
May 31, 2013

Room images are installed twice

If you are seeing duplicartes of installed Room View images, then the following information will assist.

This can happen if you installed your rooms more than once.

  1. You will need to go the Setup Rooms (under Resources menu in ProSelect) and delete the extra copies one at a time. Best to delete any with "_CX" after them because they are the extra copies. Hint: If you hold the Alt/Option key down when clicking the Delete button it won't ask you to confirm the deletion each time.

  2. After this, select a room and click the room's select image button (gold magnifying glass) to open the Select Resource Image window.  All the images with a green checkmark next to them are the ones that are being used in a room so you should delete all the others using the "trash can" button. This will remove the duplicate images from your ProSelect Resources folder.


KnowledgeBase Article: Room images are installed twice