Aug 14, 2014
Aug 14, 2014

Including Session Deposits in your Order Report

If you separately invoice for a Session Deposit prior to the sales session and you wish to include this as a credit on Order Report in ProSelect then the best way to add it as an Order Adjustment with a negative value to the order.

You can setup your order adjustment on your price list and select it when using the Add Order Adjustment button or you can simply enter the description into the bottom box. 

This way, any prepaid amount will be deducted from the amount owing when you print the Order Report and when you export the order to your Studio Management system. In this case, you would effectively be creating two invoices for the client: one for the Session Deposit and the second for the balance of the order.

If you do this regularly, then you can setup your Price List in ProSelect to automatically add this item to every new order as shown below.

KnowledgeBase Article: Including Session Deposits in your Order Report