Mar 23, 2023
Aug 9, 2018

Repairing ProSelect Albums

Each ProSelect album is a small database file which contains the low-res images, thumbnails, used resource images (eg overlay images, frames, mat backgrounds etc) and additional data for the images, layouts, room designs, books, slideshows and orders for your client.

To give you an early warning about any possible album issues, ProSelect 2018r1 (and newer versions) check the database integrity of each album file when you open the album, warns you if it does not pass this test and directs you to this article. 

Possible Causes of a Corrupt Album File

Here are some common causes that can cause an album file not to be saved properly:

  1. A network connection failure to a remotely located album file. This could be due to a poor Wi-Fi connection, the remote server or computer is turned off, or it goes to sleep. Note: If you have an unreliable network connection, it is better to copy the album file to your local hard disk before you open it. After saving and closing the album file, you can then copy it back to the remote location.

  2. A software error. Keeping up to date with the latest version of ProSelect is the best way to avoid these errors.

  3. A system crash due to running short of memory or disk space. We recommend at least 8GB of RAM for computers using ProSelect.

  4. Your computer going to sleep before you save an album file located in a network location - this often breaks the connection to the album file. Always save your album file after initially importing the client's images and immediately at the end of your sales session.

  5. Opening albums from a Dropbox location. See "Using Dropbox - Beware".

  6. More than one person opening the same album file on different computers, at the same time, and bypassing the warning message that is displayed.

  7. Your anti-virus software has stopped ProSelect while an album was open. Make sure that any such software has ProSelect "whitelisted" so that it will run without interference.
  8. There are hidden illegal characters in the notes.  This can be caused when text is pasted from programs like MS Word.

Repairing Album Files

NOTE:  If you are using ProSelect 2022r1.4 or later, DO NOT use the album repair tool.   Recovery Files are built into 2022r1.4 and later.  The Recovery File (.PSARF) should be sent to PLUS Technical Support for conversion to a .PSA file.   See the article, Rebuilding Albums, using ProSelect Recovery Files.

We have created a simple database repair app called "ProSelect Album Repair Tool" which dumps the accessible contents of the album file and rebuilds it into a brand new album file. While this process will fix the database integrity of the file, it will not recover any data that may now be missing due to the original cause of the corruption.

You can download and install this app using the links below:

ProSelect Album Repair App for MacOS  - installed in your Applications folder

ProSelect Album Repair App for Windows - installed in your Program Files (x86)\TimeExposure folder 

After installation, double-click on the application, and the window below will open.

Album Repair Drop Screen


To use the tool, drag and drop the corrupted ProSelect Album file into the main window of the album file. It will immediately test the file for any corruption and let you know if it is OK or not. (Note: this is the same test that ProSelect 2018r1 does when opening the album file.)

If it is corrupted, you will be able to use the "Try to Repair" button and will be asked to select the location and filename for the repaired album. If the repair process is successful then, on completion, you will see the Repair Status set to "Album Repaired Successfully".

At this stage, you can try to open the new album file in ProSelect. If there are no error messages when opening the album, then you should check that everything looks OK by checking that any templates, orders, book pages, etc. are there and correct. If any errors occur (e.g. Bxxxx) then likely some of the data is missing from the album and can't be recovered. You can check what data is missing by referring to the ProSelect General Error Codes article.


KnowledgeBase Article: Repairing ProSelect Albums