Feb 21, 2023
Oct 27, 2006

Labs using the Production Report?

In ProSelect, you can optionally generate a Production report file when you run production that contains details of the images that you need to have printed and more.

In ProSelect v2012r2 and newer, there are multiple Production Report format options available and these contain everything about the job that you have just completed including print order specifications as well as template & page construction information.

These report formats include XML, JSON normally used by other programs (plus a readable text).  This open data format is available to facilitate post-ordering image production and product assembly.

The XML report can be read by ProStudio Software's Mat Cutter Converter* which will produce mat cutting data for popular mat cutters (see below for more).

You will find more in the ProSelect Reference Manual on the "Production Reports" page (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

Your Lab or Album Supplier

If you would like your Lab or Album Supplier to start using the Production report file, then you need to tell them that you want them to use it, and ask which format they wish to use (they may have a Matt Cutter that reads JSON format for example).

If they would like more information on the Mat Cutter Convertor*, then this can be found under the Products menu (on the ProStudio Software's website), or for this and other report infomration, they are welcome to contact us by submitting a Support Ticket through Support Resources (under the Support menu on the ProStudio website).


Older ProSelect Versions

In pre-ProSelect v2012r2 versions, there is one "generic" Production Report format available of which most labs can use.

KnowledgeBase Article: Labs using the Production Report?