Dec 25, 2009
Oct 24, 2006

Exporting Orders to PhotoOne
ProSelect includes the ability to export orders taken in the Place Order Dialog to PhotoOne Software.

ProSelect uses PhotoOne’s XML data transfer format to export Customer data (gathered from ProSelect’s Order Groups), order line items and any payments collected.

If the customer’s details are already in your PhotoOne system, then you only need to enter either the PhotoOne customer number (Account code), session order number, or home phone number into ProSelect’s Order Group dialog. This will allow PhotoOne to match the exported order data with that client.

If the customer has not been entered into PhotoOne, then complete all the boxes in ProSelect’s Order Group (except the Account code) and PhotoOne will create a new customer record using that data, and then create the order on the new customer record.


When ready to export, select Export Orders to... PhotoOne (Orders menu). Check the boxes for the Order Groups that you wish to export.

NOTE: Order Groups that have already been exported from the current album will be marked with a green check mark. If you export these again you will end up with multiple entries in PhotoOne.

Set the Export folder to the drive folder in which PhotoOne has been installed.

Preset Photo One Codes

The following codes are used in ProSelect when exporting to Photo One, so you can use these to setup Photo One so that they match. Otherwise you will have to manually change the payment after it has been imported. (Alternatively you can process the payment directly into the Photo One order after it has been imported and you have added any additional [non print] items).

Payment methods: CA=Cash, CC=credit card, CK=check, BT=bank transfer, OT=other.

Payment types: OD=Order Deposit, FP=Final payment

Once exported, you can locate and open the new order in the customer record. If desired, change the short description from XML # Untitled-1 to suit and make sure you are happy with the other details.


  1. Make sure that you are exporting the file to the correct folder (ie the PhotoOne folder). After exporting it, you can look for it in that folder. The file name format is "date_time_album_groupNo.xml" eg 2006-02-24_111150_Clark_1.xml.

  2. If the imported orders are not linking to an existing client but creating a new client, check that you are correctly entering the PhotoOne customer number or session order number  into the Account code box in ProSelect's Setup Group's Dialog. If this number is NOT present PhotoOne will try to match on the home phone number but, in this case make sure it is EXACTLY the same (spaces etc).
Additional information on the Photo One setup can be found in this article.

KnowledgeBase Article: Exporting Orders to PhotoOne