Aug 2, 2008
Oct 27, 2006

Retouching workflow with Production

Once you have ordered your prints and layouts, you should do any re-touching on them before they are finally produced. This way, if the same image is to be produced in a number of different sizes or with different effects, then you will only need to do the retouching once for each image.

If you are working with an external re-toucher, then please also see the article "Working with External Re-toucher".

Here is a typical procedure that you might use when producing a set of ordered prints from imported .jpg originals (please refer to the article "Working with Raw images in ProSelect" if you are using RAW+jpg workflow).

  1. Open "Produce High-Res Images" (under Production Menu)

  2. If you have have ordered one or more a Composite layouts then click the "Composites tab" to show these then click each layout in turn to show the list of images in the layout.

  3. Click the the "Notes" header (the one to the right of the Qty column) or the "Image No" header to sort the images so you can see all orders with notes together or all orders with the same image together respectively.

  4. If you click on a line for an image, the image and its related information will appear on the right hand side in the Selected Item Info box.

  5. Select one or more images that need manual work, use the Open in Photoshop button, perform your changes (but don’t change the cropping) and then save them again with the same name.

    • Note 1: If you wish to keep the original image then you can save them as a different file type (eg .tiff or .psd) but you must then click the "Relink Photoshopped" or "Relink All" buttons so ProSelect can find the updated files and link those instead. If an image has been linked to another file a link icon will appear on that line in the list and the linked file name will be shown in the Image Info Box. In either case the displayed image will NOT change to the retouched but the updated one (or linked one) will be used when you run production.

    • Note 2: If you do save them as a different type (eg .tiff) then this file will be only used as the input into Photoshop when running production. The output file type will still be the type that you selected in "Setup Production".

  6. Check the Cropping is correct and adjust it on the window on the right.

  7. Check the boxes on the left side of the list for the print files that you wish to make (use Check All to do all). Select the Output folder for the files, make sure Photoshop is open and click the Make High-Res Images Button.



If you are looking for a way to speed up your re-touching and/or produce consistant retouching results (especially when using different people) then have a look at Ron Nichol's Re-touching palette.

KnowledgeBase Article: Retouching workflow with Production