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May 28, 2021
macOS Security Settings for ProSelect
Last Updated June 21, 2022
Starting with OSX Catalina, Apple introduced a number of major changes to the way applications work on OSX (10.15) and macOS. The major ones that affect ProSelect users are:
1. 32-bit applications are no longer permitted
All applications run on Catalina or newer must now be 64-bit so you need ProSelect 2019r2 or newer to run on Catalina or Big Sur...

Oct 2, 2023
ProSelect with Zoom for Virtual IPS Sessions
UPDATE September 12, 2023: Windows 11 Users
We recently conducted extensive testing involving Windows 11, Zoom, and Slideshows to address an issue stemming from a recent Windows update. It has come to our attention that this update is causing complications when images and effects are rendered using OpenGL technology, which subsequently requires tr...

Feb 21, 2023
Sharing Data between computers - Sharing Resources, Step by Step
Sharing ProSelect Templates and Pricing Data with other Computers in your Studio
Most studios use multiple computers in their studio operation. It's important that each computer using ProSelect has the most recent pricing and product information available.
ProSelect uses three basic data sets.
ProSelectData.xml fileIt's a simple text file, but it contains all your vital pricing information, p...