Feb 21, 2023
Oct 27, 2006

Music timing with Exported Slideshow

Updated Article - Nov 2013

In ProSelect v2013r1 and newer, all slideshows are controlled by a Slideshow Style which controls which music group to play, slide and transition times, background and border colors or images as well as other effects and options including syncronizing your slideshows with your music.

Syncing the slideshow to your music will adjust the slideshow slide and transition times within your specified allowable range so that the slideshow and music will end at the same time.

Music syncing will occur over multiple music tracks if required. If syncing is not possible, your “preferred” slide & transition times (as set in the current Slideshow Style) will be used and the music will fade out at the end of the slideshow.

You will find more information on "Slideshow Music & Timing" and "Exporting a Slideshow Movie" in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

And the "Syncing Music in your Slideshows" and "Selecting a starting music track" KnowledgeBase articles (under the Support menu on the ProStudio Software website) about the slideshow and music features.


General Slideshow Information

You can setup an unlimited number of different styles to suit different client types or different exported slideshow movies (e.g. wedding, family, seniors etc.)

You can export any slideshow that you setup in Working with Slideshows as a fully rendered .mp4 movie ready to be uploaded to Facebook, YouTube, your blog or sold to your clients.

With ProSelect Pro, you can design up to five different slideshows for each ProSelect album and so it’s easy to create a range of slideshow movies for different purposes using a different Slideshow Style for each one. With ProSelect (basic) you can create one slideshow at a time.  Exported movies will be exactly the same as shown in ProSelect and you have the option to add a copyright stamp (and/or favorites stamp in ProSelect v2015r1 and newer) to the exported movie files.

If wishing to "Export to Animoto", then please see that section of the ProSelect Reference Manual on how  ProSelect allows you to upload one or more sets of images and/or layouts to Animoto to build an Animoto slideshow movie.


If using ProSelect v2012r2 and earlier (original article)

When exporting a Quicktime movie slideshow the movie may play the full length of the music track, and not the length of images displayed.

When producing a QuickTime slideshow movie, you have the ability to adjust the slide and transition times so the slideshow ends at the same time as your selected music.

If the music is shorter than the selected slide timing then the music will stop early. If the music is longer, then last frame of the slideshow will be displayed until the music stops.

At present, there is no way to have the slideshow stop early if the music runs longer unless you cut down the length of the music file (in another application) - it's probably easier to choose some shorter music!

KnowledgeBase Article: Music timing with Exported Slideshow