Sep 22, 2017
Oct 27, 2006

What sizes and file types can the Upload Manager accept?

The Upload Manager uses Apple's QuickTime software to read the original images and to generate the .jpg file for uploading. Since QuickTime can understand most common formats, the Upload Manager can do so also. At this stage, we have setup the Upload Manager to accept .jpg, .tif and .psd (Photoshop) image files. This will be extended in the future as other formats become regularly used by photographers.

You can drop a mix of different file types into the Upload Manager and it will automatically identify and convert them.

There is no limit to the size of the file that the Upload Manager can accept, subject to the available memory in your computer.


For best quality, it is recommended that your original images are at least twice as large as the final image images i.e. bigger than 1000x850 pixels for standard and 2000x1700 pixels for HiDef uploads. The Upload Manager will warn you if any images that it tries to convert are smaller than the output size.

KnowledgeBase Article: What sizes and file types can the Upload Manager accept?