Nov 27, 2007
Nov 12, 2006

Converting iTunes Tracks To MP3 Format

You can use iTunes on both Mac and Windows computers to convert your music to .mp3 format using the instructions below:

  1. Open iTunes
  2. Select the Playlist that you wish to convert
  3. Select all the tracks in the Playlist (control or cmd-A)
  4. Select "Create MP3 Version" ("Convert Selection to MP3" in older iTunes version) from the Adanced menu. This will start the conversion process in the background. When complete you will have two copies of each track in the playlist: one in the original format and the other as an MP3 file.

If you choose View Options (Edit Menu) and check the "Kind" box, it will add a column with the type of each music track (MP3 tracks are listed as an "MPEG Audio file"). You can sort by that column (click on the column header) to get all the same file types together. This makes it easier to select and move your new MP3 files.

If you have purchased your music though the on-line Music store, it is "protected" and cannot be converted to mp3 format. Music that is loaded from CD's into iTunes can be converted.

Mac Users & PC Users V3.2 or later:

You can select your slideshow music directly from an iTunes Playlist:

  1. Move the new MP3 tracks to a new Playlist by selecting them and choosing "New Playlist from Selection" (File Menu).
  2. Rename the new Playlist to identify it (eg "Upbeat Music MP3").
  3. In ProSelect, select the music by playlist and choose the new playlist.


PC Users Pre V3.2:

Currently you can't select an iTunes Playlist directly from within ProSelect,  however once you have your music tracks converted to .mp3 format then:

  1. Create a folder on your desktop (or somewhere else) and drag the tracks that you want from iTunes to that folder.
  2. To set the play order for your music, add a sequence number to the start of each file name (eg 01-trackX.mp3, 02-trackY.mp3 etc).
  3. Select this folder of music from within ProSelect.

KnowledgeBase Article: Converting iTunes Tracks To MP3 Format