Sep 5, 2008
Nov 13, 2006

Slideshow image numbers - a better solution

Some ProSelect users have asked us to add the ability to display image numbers during the slideshow so people can write down the numbers of their favourites. We thought about this and came up with a better solution...

You can press the down arrow key on selected images during the slideshow and the computer will remember which images that you selected. At the end of the slideshow, those images will be moved to the tab (Yes, Maybe or No) that you have set in the Preferences -> Slideshow & Music -> Slideshow Settings -> Slideshow Options. Set the Down Arrow Key to the where you wish the images to go to.

Available in Version 4.0.5 and newer

For the people who don't want to use the above this facility, ProSelect version 4.0.5 and newer allows you to turn on the display of filenames below the slideshow images. To do this, go to Preferences -> Slideshow & Music -> Slideshow Settings -> Slideshow Options and select Show Names.

KnowledgeBase Article: Slideshow image numbers - a better solution