Sep 7, 2022
Nov 14, 2006

Problem when Printing

Size or Resolution

If you are having problems with the size or resolution of a printed proofsheet or report, then check the following list:

    1. Make sure that you have done a Page Setup (in ProSelect) before trying to print next. For Proof Sheets, this must be done BEFORE you set the sizes for the images on the page in ProSelect, as it needs this to know the paper size to be used. Normally you only need to do this once.

    2. If you have more than one printer connected, then make sure that the printer that you are using is the default printer as set in your Mac or Windows printer setup.

    3. If your images are being stretched when printed, this indicates that the printer is providing different resolutions for the vertical and horizontal direction to ProSelect. In this case, try adjusting the resolution down to a lower value in ProSelect's report setup window eg from 600dpi to 300 dpi.

    4. Sometimes the saved printer setup can get corrupted and needs to be reset. To do this hold down the Alt/Option key while clicking the print order report menu item, or button from the review orders window. This will clear out any saved printer setup information and should allow you to print correctly.


Crash while Printing from Windows

By default, after doing a Page Setup, ProSelect saves that setup for each report type in its preferences. The next time that you run that report ProSelect re-loads the settings back into the printer driver so the report will print the same way the next time.

However, some printer drivers (mainly older ones) can crash when ProSelect re-loads the settings into the driver. This may also occur if you have changed the default printer to a different one since last using it,  because some settings may not be compatible with the printer you are now using.

If you are having this problem, then the first thing to do is to make sure that you are using the latest software drivers for your printer. Normally you can download these from the printer manufacturer's website.

If Still Crashing

If the problem still persists,

    1. You can turn off the option to re-load the printers setup before each print in ProSelect's Preferences --> General Settings --> General (tab) --> General Defaults --> Printer Page Setup: Do not save. (i.e. Check the box)  This should stop the problem, however, you may need to manually do a Page Setup before you start the print job.

  1. You may need to clear your Preference file where these details are kept. Try clearing your Preference Data (only) and ProSelect will reset it and see if that resolves the issue. The article "Clearing ProSelect's Preferences, Templates & Prices" will show you how.  Note: You will need to re-enter your registration details and preference settings.


KnowledgeBase Article: Problem when Printing