Nov 25, 2006
Oct 23, 2006

Demo Movies stop and start while playing
If the movie is playing faster than it is downloading to your computer, it tends to stop for a while, wait for more to download then start again. This is because most browsers will start playing the movie as soon as they have received enough to play 20-30 seconds worth.

The ProSelect tutorial movies are quite large in size and, depending on the speed of your internet connection, may take some time before they start to play. You would need a broadband internet connection to enable you to watch them without interruption.


If this is happening to you, try clicking the pause button and wait until most or all of the movie has downloaded then click the play button again. You can see how much has downloaded by watching the "progress bar" at the bottom of the movie - when it reaches the right hand side then all of the movie has been downloaded.

If you are using a dialup internet connection, your broadband connection is a bit slow or you wish to watch the movies more than once, consider downloading and saving the movies on your computer instead.

See the article Downloading and Playing ProSelect Demo Movies for more information.

KnowledgeBase Article: Demo Movies stop and start while playing