Feb 23, 2023
Dec 10, 2008

Clearing Preferences in Upload Manager

If you encounter an error message saying something like "error parsing to the preference file" when using the Upload Manager program, then it may be that your preference file is not 100%.  

Clearing the Upload Manager Preference Data

The Upload Manager preference file is not deleted when you uninstall or re-install the software. This is so you don't loose it when you update the version.

If this file becomes corrupt, then it can cause errors when running Upload Manager. Deleting this file will cause Upload Manager to create a fresh copy with default preference settings.

If you are wishing to delete/clear your Preferences data then:

  1. Make sure Upload Manager is NOT running.
  2. Have your registered ProStudio Software email address and password details ready because you will need to re-enter them.
  3. Hold the Shift key down while starting Upload Manager and in the dialog box that appears, check the Upload Manager Preferences box and OK.
  4. Start Upload Manager & enter your ProStudio Software account email address and password again (under the Edit menu --> Upload Manager tab).


(Note: WebGallery is an obsolete service as of November 30th 2017, however the Upload Manager is used for uploading to Animoto from ProSelect.)


KnowledgeBase Article: Clearing Preferences in Upload Manager