Nov 29, 2017
Jun 29, 2009

How do I offer a Discount in WebGallery?

To encourage early orders, you can attach an automatic discount to any price list in your WebGallery.

If set, this will automatically apply to all orders made within a certain number of days after the album is first uploaded. The discount will be the set percentage of the total order excluding shipping.

To do this:

  1. Log in to your WebGallery Admin area
  2. Choose Price Lists (under Setup Price List & Prices section)
  3. Choose Change next to the relevant Price List
  4. In the Discounts section, enter the discount percentage you wish to offer and the number of days this is to be available (eg 10%, 14 days)
  5. Click on the Save button
  6. Repeat with other Prices Lists as required.

KnowledgeBase Article: How do I offer a Discount in WebGallery?