Nov 11, 2010
Nov 1, 2010

Will my ProSelect license end when my Upgrades & Support does?

Your ProSelect license (registration key) NEVER expires. You are free to continue using any one of the ProSelect software versions released during your ProSelect Upgrades & Support (SUPPORTPlus) period without further payment.

Note:  If you have purchased a new ProSelect license (or upgraded) using the Easy Pay Option, then you receive a temporary key until your final payment is made, upon which you will be sent your non-expiring registration key.


Extending Your SUPPORTPlus

Should you wish to continue to be kept up to date with the latest ProSelect software releases and receive the other benefits of SUPPORTPlus, you can choose to extend your SUPPORTPlus access. This option must be exercised before your current SUPPORTPlus expires.

Please see the Upgrades & Support Sections on our Policies page for further details on extending your SUPPORTPlus (or alternatively upgrading at a later date).

KnowledgeBase Article: Will my ProSelect license end when my Upgrades & Support does?