Jan 1, 2017
Oct 24, 2006

Zooming in for more detail

ProSelect allows you to zoom in to one or more images when in Show Images View by right clicking (on PC) or control-clicking (on Mac) on the point where you wish to zoom into.

When zoomed in, the image will show a "Zoom Out" icon in the bottom right corner. Click on this icon to remove the zoom.

If you hold the shift key down while zooming, ProSelect will zoom all images in the Display Area to the same point. This is a quick way to check the detail in the same area of similar images. Clicking on the  "Zoom Out" icon with the Shift key down to unzoom all images.

How Far Can You Zoom?

When you load your images into ProSelect, it creates low-res copies of all the images and saves them in the Album file. By default, the size of these low-res images is set to 2400 x 1600 for new users in recent ProSelect versions.   If you have been using ProSelect prior to v2013, your import setting may be set to the size of your current monitor. This means that as you zoom in you will start to see some pixelation.

If you need to regularly zoom in more closely, then you can change the size of the low-res images created using the Preferences -> Importing Images -> Settings -> Resize To popup menu.

If you set this to a larger size than previously set (e.g. your current screen size), then make sure you re-load the images, and you will be able to zoom in further before pixelation occurs.

Hint: If you are preparing your Album on a computer with a smaller monitor size than the computer that you will be presenting on, or you wish to be able to zoom into greater detail, you should select the larger monitor size before adding any images to the Album. Sizes up to 3240 x 2160 pixels (suitable for displaying on a 4K TV) can be selected.

The downside of setting this to a larger size is that your album files will be larger and things will happen more slowly since ProSelect is working with larger images.

Other zoom options

In ProSelect you also have the option to change what happens when you right click (on PC) or control-click (on Mac) on an image.  In Preferences -> General Settings -> General -> Mouse Options, rather than zooming in, you can select to show a pop-up menu where you can directly select the new zoom level to be either Zoom x1.5, x2, x3, x4, x6, x8, x12 or x16.  Holding the Alt/Option key down while right-clicking on your images temporarily reverses this Preferences setting.

Changing the position of the zoom

You can also move the zoom position of a zoomed image by holding down the spacebar and left-clicking and dragging the image around. Doing this while holding the Shift key down, will allow you to drag all zoomed images by the same amount so you can easily compare expressions of people in different shots.

You will find this information on "Importing Images", "Zooming in for more detail" and "Using Two Screens" in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect).

And these article Images look pixelated or soft on the screen or projector.

KnowledgeBase Article: Zooming in for more detail