Apr 9, 2019
Apr 9, 2019

Error B0900 using ProSelect 2019r1

Updated April 9, 2019

We have recently found (thanks to the help of one of our users), an issue with ProSelect's auto-backup feature causing a B0900 error when your album file name includes XML data characters such as ampersands, quotes or angle brackets.

With ProSelect 2019r1 and newer, auto-backups are now saved to a file on the machine that you are currently working on so that, in the event of a system crash, network failure or ProSelect quitting unexpectedly, any unsaved album data can be optionally recovered when the album file is opened again.

If ProSelect detects the presence of a matching Auto-backup file then the error will be triggered.

This issue has been fixed in ProSelect 2019r1.6  which is currently in beta testing.

Best Solution

When available, downloading and using ProSelect 2019r1.6 or newer will prevent this problem and also repair the auto-backup file error from earlier 2019r1 versions.

Other Solutions

In the meantime, if you encounter this error, you can open the album file by either:

(a) Renaming the album file so the name no longer matches the auto-backup filename eg remove the & character.

(c) Deleting the auto-backup file located in ProSelect -> Album_Backups folder. See section below.

(c) Opening the album file on another computer (to access the data only).

Each of the above solutions effectively disconnects the auto-backup file from the album file and you will no longer be prompted to recover unsaved changes and any changes since the last save will be lost.

Auto-backup file location

Auto-backup files are saved in the following location on your computer:

On Macs: StartupDisk -> Users -> YourUserName -> Library -> Application Support -> ProSelect -> Album_Backups

On Windows: C:\ Users\ YourUserName\ AppData\ Roaming\ ProSelect\ Album_Backups

These files have the same name as your album filename with an additional ID number and the extension .psabkup.  eg Jack & Jills Album name_2019491153124.psabkup

These backup files are automatically removed when ProSelect closes normally and after doing a save.

Note: the Library folder (on Macs) and the AppData folder (on Windows) are normally hidden and can be hard to find.

If you are NOT using sharing, the easiest way to get to the folder containing the above ProSelect folder is to use the menu command

ProSelect Resources -> Show in Finder/Show in Explorer (under Resources Menu)

from within ProSelect. In this case, the ProSelect folder is located in the same folder as the ProSelect Resources folder.

If you are using sharing, see pages "Mac OSX - Accessing Hidden Folders" or "Windows - Accessing Hidden Folders" in the ProSelect Reference Manual  (pages 331 and 332 in the ProSelect 2019r1.5 Reference Manual).  This manual can be opened under the Help Menu in ProSelect

More Information

You can find more information about ProSelect's Auto-backup system on the Auto-backups page in the ProSelect Reference Manual  (page 35 in the ProSelect 2019r1.5 Reference Manual).

KnowledgeBase Article: Error B0900 using ProSelect 2019r1