Nov 25, 2011
Oct 13, 2006

When do you need Hi-Res Production Option?

For speed, ProSelect only works with low-res copies of your images during the presentation & sales session. While you can export sample images and layouts, these are based on the low-res images and are not at ordered print sizes.

ProSelect Pro's High-Res Production system harnesses Photoshop's scripting abilty to process batches of ordered prints, composite layouts and book pages (that have been sent to Production) using your original hi-res image files, exactly as your client ordered in minutes.

This feature saves you a huge amount of time when it comes to producing the final images, layouts (collages) and book pages that your clients have ordered through ProSelect.

More information on the Hi-Res Production system can be found on the "ProSelect Pro - What's this?" web page.  And the "Production Module" section in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access uder the Help menu in ProSelect) for setup and use.

And the "What does High-Res Production feature do?" article.

KnowledgeBase Article: When do you need Hi-Res Production Option?