Oct 13, 2013
Oct 27, 2006

Setting up Production for B&W and Sepia effects

You can setup any special Photoshop actions that you wish to run when producing images that you have set to B&W or Sepia through the ProSelect's Setup Production page.

This allows you to have your images produced using your own preferred B&W or Sepia style applied to your images during production (see the note at bottom of this article on ProSelect's default setup).  Please also see the article "B&W and Sepia Image Workflow".

To start:

  1. Create a new Action Set called something like "ProSelect Hi-Res Actions.atn"
  2. Create an action in Photohop which applies the effect that you want.
  3. Call it something like "ProSelect BW"
  4. Make sure it is located in the new action folder that you made.

Then on ProSelect's Setup Production page:

  1. Enter the name of the Action Set into the "Action Set Name" box
  2. Enter the name of the Action into the "Black & White" box

    IMPORTANT: Both these names must exactly match what is in Photoshop (upper and lower case must also match).

  3. You can test the action by clicking the Test button next to the action name. It will ask you to select an image, the image will be open in Photoshop and the action run on it (it won't save the image). Swap to Photoshop to check the result.

ProSelect's Default Setup.

You don't need to setup actions as described above if you don't want to. If the "Black & White" box or "Sepia" box on ProSelect's Setup Production page are left empty (this is the default when you first install ProSelect), then ProSelect will automatically run it's own B&W or Sepia effects on the images you have selected the effect on.

KnowledgeBase Article: Setting up Production for B&W and Sepia effects