Feb 16, 2017
Dec 16, 2006

Exporting to Account Management software

Updated Nov 15, 2017

ProSelect includes the ability to export orders taken in the Place Order Dialog to most leading Studio Management systems including StudioCloud, Successware, PhotoOne, Spectra, Táve Studio, ShootQ, PXIFI, Light Blue and spreadsheet file (CSV format) accepting applications. 

As of ProSelect v2014r1, you can directly interact with StudioCloud business management system from within ProSelect. If you are not already using StudioCloud software, then StudioCloud is a FREE, easy-to-use, business management software that works on both Mac and PC and includes free cloud services. You will find more about this in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in proSelect). StudioCloud information can be found on their web site.

Exporting Orders

Alternately, if the name of your studio management software does not appear in the list in ProSelect, then choose Standard XML or follow the instructions provided by your management software provider. For Web based Management systems such as Táve Studio, ShootQ, Light Blue, Stratus and PXIFI, you can use the Standard XML for Web export format available as of ProSelect version 2010r1 and newer.

More on "Exporting Orders/Exporting to Studio Management Systems" or "Exporting Orders to a Spreadsheet" can be found in the easy read ProSelect Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect) and in the following articles:

- Exporting to Successware and linking products.
- Exporting orders to PhotoOne
- Exporting To PhotoOne - PhotoOne Setup
- Exporting To PhotoOne From a Mac

- Export/setup information for:

Táve Studio can be found on their web site.
Studiocloud with v2013r1 and earlier can be found on their support page on their web site.
StudioPlus (Spectra/Stratus) can be found on their web site.

Please check these and any other studio management software/service web sites for export and setup information.

Standard XML for Web

This "Standard XML for Web" Order Export format was added as of ProSelect 2010r1 and is designed to be uploaded to web-based Studio Management systems. By default, to reduce the size of the exported file when using this format, the sample image sizes are reduced to fit within 400x400 box and layout orders do not include sample images of each image within the layout. You can change these settings in the Preferences --> Pricing & Orders --> Settings --> Export Order Options.


Export to QuickBooks is not currently supported (this is being reviewed for inclusion in a future release), however it may be easier to export to a spreadsheet file (CSV) then entering the orders into QuickBooks.


KnowledgeBase Article: Exporting to Account Management software