Feb 15, 2023
Oct 13, 2006

What does High-Res Production feature do?

ProSelect imports low resolution copies of your original high-res images. It does this for speed and to ensure your original images are left untouched. These images are all kept in a self-contained album that can be easily moved between computers and/or archived off as a record of the job including any selections made and orders received.

ProSelect also allows you to build multi-print (matted) layouts, composite layouts and Books within the program using the supplied templates or any other templates that you can design yourself using the Templates Editor within the program. 

When you record an order within ProSelect, it records all the details including size, cropping, image effects (eg B&W or sepia), notes, layouts, frames etc. While you can print proofs of ordered images, layouts and books, these proofs are created using the low res images stored within ProSelect album, so are not suitable for anything but small output sizes.

ProSelect Pro's Hi-Res Production system then harnesses Photoshop's scripting ability to process batches of ordered prints, composite layouts and book pages (that have been sent to Production) using your original hi-res image files, exactly as your client ordered in minutes.

If you have a "ProSelect" (basic) license,  and wish to create a layout or book design that you created in ProSelect as a high-resolution file,  you will either need to do this manually in Photoshop or we highly recommend Changing-up your license to "ProSelect Pro" for the time saving ability (plus much more). 

To compare ProSelect and ProSelect Pro features, please see the Features List web page.

See the ProStudio Software(under the Store menu) for pricing and purchasing.


High-Res Production instantly!

During ProSelect Pro's Hi-Res Production process, Photoshop is "remote controlled" by ProSelect to automatically load your original images, rotate, crop, apply any effects that you have chosen, and finally re-sizing to produce a folder of finished sized hi-res images that are ready to print or send to any lab (in either .jpg, .tif or .psd format at your specified resolution).

Output file names can optionally include print sizes and order quantities and/or be placed in separate folders by size to facilitate lab ordering. And you can create a Production Report for the Lab or Book Builder.

Output files made for composite layouts will include added template styles such as mat & graphics element images or block colors, background images and borders. These files can be saved as layered Photoshop files which you can open to make any fine adjustments.

Since ProSelect Pro will link preview images (such as jpegs) and original raw files, you can easily incorporate raw images through the Production Module's easy to use checklist style workflow process.

More information on the Hi-Res Production system can be found on the About ProSelect Pro web page.  And the "Production Module" section in the ProSelect Reference Manual (quick access under the Help menu in ProSelect) for setup and use.

Photoshop Note: To use the Production system in ProSelect Pro, please check the article for What version of Photoshop do I need? on your computer and other important notes. The Photoshop KnowledgeBase category also has import and and helpful information about ProSelect and Photoshop versions.



The Production system sets up a "To Do" list for that job. All images that have been ordered are listed and you can quickly identify which ones require manual re-touching (through the notes that you added) so this can be done and "ticked off" before the automated part of the production starts.

To see a demonstration of ProSelect's Production system in action, have a look at the Webinar Recording Archives or Tutorials & Quick Tips movies area (under the Training menu on the ProStudio Software Website. Such as "Hi-Resolution Production Workflow" (Webinar) and "From Ordering to Final Production in ProSelect" (short demo).

This article Retouching workflow with Production may also be of interest.


KnowledgeBase Article: What does High-Res Production feature do?